For Tom to be able to step up to become your State Representative in House District 19, he will need help from you and from your friends and neighbors.
There are many ways to volunteer, from walking door to door to calling voters to hosting fundraising parties that Tom can attend. Let us know how you can help:

Tom is running a grassroots campaign that is going door-to-door to ask for support from voters in House District 19. We will also be calling voters from now until election day. Fill out the form below and let us know that you would like to help.

House parties are a great way to support Tom. You can invite your friends and neighbors to your home to meet Tom and then collect donations to support his campaign. We can help you to have a successful house party for Tom. Just fill out the form below to let us know that you would like to have a house party for Tom.

Tom needs your donation to win his race against a well-funded opponent. Reaching voters in a large District is expensive. Won't you help with a donation of $50 or more? Click the donation button at the top of this page to donate to Tom. Want to send a check instead? Checks can be made out to Friends of Tom Andersen and sent to this address: P.O. Box 42307 , Portland, OR 97323.